Conference on Multilateral Trading System and WTO Reform
北京大学法学院将于2024年3月6日全天举办以“多边贸易体制和世贸组织改革”为主题的研讨会(Conference on Multilateral Trading System and WTO Reform),旨在为学术界提供一个交流平台,从国际法历史和理论视角探讨国际经济秩序、多边贸易体制、世贸组织规则和争端解决机制改革的最新进展和研究成果。
Peking University Law School will hold a full-day international conference on “Multilateral Trading System and WTO Reform” on March 6, 2024. It aims to provide an exchanging platform for the academia to discuss the latest progress and research results of the international economic order, multilateral trading system, WTO rules and dispute settlement reform from the historical and theoretical perspectives of international law.
Mr. Roberto Azevêdo, Former Director-General of the WTO, former Chairman and Members of the WTO Appellate Body, officials of the WTO Secretariat and more than 20 well-known international law scholars from the United States, Europe and Asia have been invited to conduct academic discussions on improving China-US bilateral trade relations, WTO rules and reform of dispute settlement mechanism both through online and offline format.
一、 活动信息
2024年3月6日 9:00-17:20
I. Conference Information
March 6 2024, 9:00-17:20 (GMT+8)
Lecture Hall, Kaiyuan Building, Peking University Law School
Multilateral Trading System and WTO Reform
二、 活动议程
(一)开幕致辞 9:00-9:20
致辞人:方 方 北京大学党委常委、副校长
张少刚 中国国际贸易促进委员会副会长
主持人:戴 昕 北京大学法学院副院长
(二)主题演讲 9:30-10:00
演讲人:罗伯托·阿泽维多 前WTO总干事
主持人:赵 宏 北京大学教授,前WTO上诉机构成员
主持人:赵 宏 北京大学教授,前WTO上诉机构成员
发言人:James Bacchus 前WTO上诉机构成员,美国佛罗里达中央大学教授(线上)
Robert Howse 美国纽约大学法学院教授(线上)
张乃根 复旦大学法学院教授
Peter Malanczuk 德国海德堡大学、香港大学教授
Antony Anghie 新加坡国立大学、美国犹他州大学教授(线上)
与谈人: 王江雨 香港城市大学法学院教授(线上)
Chin Leng Lim 香港中文大学法学院教授(线上)
(四)第二议题:世贸组织多边贸易规则:改革议程 13:30-15:00
主持人:孔庆江 中国政法大学教授,国际法学院院长
发言人:屠新泉 对外经济贸易大学中国WTO研究院院长、教授
James Flett 欧盟委员会法律事务处WTO争端解决律师(线上)
Mark Koulen WTO秘书处前资深参赞(线上)
管 健 高文律师事务所合伙人、律师
丁 如 中国政法大学国际法学院副教授
与谈人: 车路遥 中国政法大学国际法学院副教授
Marcus Ramalho 巴西驻华使馆法律参赞,巴西前争端解决官员
(五)第三议题:WTO争端解决机制:改革与前瞻 15:30-17:00
主持人:张月姣 前WTO上诉机构成员,清华大学教授
发言人:David Unterhalter 前WTO上诉机构成员, 南非宪法法院法官(线上)
Peter Van den Bossche 前WTO上诉机构成员,瑞士伯尔尼大学教授(线上)
“莫利纳 (Molina)进程与第13次部长级会议后DSU改革”
Gabrielle Marceau WTO秘书处资深顾问(线上)
Werner Zdouc 前WTO上诉机构秘书处司长,世界贸易研究院资深研究员(线上)
Marcus Ramalho 巴西驻华使馆法律参赞、巴西前争端解决官员
与谈人: 纪文华 对外经济贸易大学法学院教授
Leonardo Borlini 意大利博科尼大学副教授(线上)
(六)闭幕式 17:00-17:20
会议总结:赵 宏 北京大学教授,前WTO上诉机构成员
II. Conference Agenda
Part 1: Opening Remarks 9:00-9:20
Chaired by Dai Xin, Vice Dean of Law School of Peking University
Speaker: Fang Fang, Vice President of Peking University
Zhang Shaogang, Vice President of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Part 2: Keynote Speech 9:30-10:00
Speaker: Mr. Roberto Azevêdo, Former Director-General of WTO
“WTO: Success and Challenges, Looking for a Way Forward”
Moderator: Zhao Hong, Professor of Peking University, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO
Part 3: First Session “International Economic Order and Multilateral Trade System in Light of International Law” 10:00-11:40
Moderator: Zhao Hong, Professor of Peking University, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO
Panelists: James Bacchus, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO, Professor of University of Central Florida (online)
“Improving Bilateral Trade Relations Between China and the United States”
Robert Howse, Professor of New York University (online)
“Dispute Settlement Reform at the WTO”
Zhang Naigen, Professor of Fudan University
“Approaches of Law & Economics and Implications for the WTO Reform”
Peter Malanczuk, Professor of University of Heidelberg and University of Hong Kong
“The Investment Facilitation Agreement (IFDA) and Plurilateral Rulemaking at the WTO”
Antony Anghie, Professor of National University of Singapore and University of Utah (online)
“Developing Countries and International Trade Law-Aspects of an Historical Approach”
Discussants: Wang Jiangyu, Professor of City University of Hong Kong (online)
Chin Leng Lim, Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (online)
Part 4: Second Session “International Economic Rules and WTO Multilateral Rules: A Reform Agenda” 13:30-15:00
Moderator: Kong Qingjiang, Professor of China University of Political Science and Law, Dean of International Law School
Panelists: Tu Xinquan, Dean and Professor of the China Institute for WTO Studies of University of International Business and Economics
“Trilemma of globalization and the future of the WTO”
James Flett, Deputy Director of the Trade Policy and WTO Team of the European Commission Legal Service (online)
“The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and its compatibility with WTO Law”
Mark Koulen, Former Senior Counsellor of WTO Secretariat (online)
“Prospects for Reform of WTO Subsidy Rules: Political and Conceptual Challenges”
Guan Jian, Partner of Globe-Law Law Firm, Lawyer
“The Development of Subsidy Rules and Practices in the US and EU and its Implication on the WTO Reform”
Ding Ru, Associate Professor of China University of Political Science and Law
“Redefining the ‘Traffic Light’—Reforms of the WTO Rules on Industrial Subsidy”
Discussants: Che Luyao, Associate Professor of China University of Political Science and Law
Marcus Ramalho, Legal Counsellor of Embassy of Brazil in China, Former Dispute Settlement Officer of Brazil
Part 5: Third Session “WTO Dispute Settlement Rules: Reform and Forward Looking Study” 15:30-17:00
Moderator: Zhang Yuejiao, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO, Professor of Tsinghua University
Panelists: David Unterhalter, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO, South African Judge of the Constitutional Court (online)
“Prospect for Multilateralism in a Multi Polar World”
Peter Van den Bossche, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO, Professor of University of Bern (online)
“Molina Process and DSU Reform after MC13”
Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor of WTO Secretariat (online)
“The Role of the Secretariats in Assisting International Dispute Settlement Tribunals”
Werner Zdouc, Senior Fellow of World Trade Institute (online)
“Facilitating Integration of the Developing Countries into the Multilateral Trading System by Enhancing Their Legal Capacity”
Marcus Ramalho, Legal Counsellor of Embassy of Brazil in China, Former Dispute Settlement Officer of Brazil
“WTO Dispute Settlement Reform: A Brazilian Perspective”
Discussants: Ji Wenhua, Professor of University of International Business and Economics
Leonardo Borlini, Associate Professor of University Bocconi (online)
Part 6: Closing Ceremony 17:00-17:20
Concluding Remark: Zhao Hong, Professor of Peking University, Former Appellate Body Member of WTO
Warmly welcome!